
'Lil Jav - 2 weeks later...

CJ is doing well but he's become a bit fussy as his sleep and feeding routine has changed a bit.
Claudia and I are tag-teaming taking sometimes 4-hour nap shifts at a time. For now, this works for us until we have an appointment outside the house and I need to be alert enough to have to drive.

Mami has come up to the house finally and we were so glad to have her at home.  It was especially symbolic for me b/c she came up on her birthday and we celebrated here at home (both her 79th birthday and mother's day).  It was also Claudia's first mother's day - which is also so special. 

All the grandparents are already so in love with 'lil Jav.   Mother-in-law will be coming up tomorrow to stay over for a few days and we'll have two more sets of hands to assist us - which is great.  

Thanks for all of you folks who have been checking up on us.  Christopher says hi!