
Happy Birthday Stevie !!!...

Born Sept. 29th 1966.   My brother Steve was born in an interesting time of year.  At the heart of the fall season and just when the "happy" holidays would start.  We had great fun growing up celebrating Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, and the anticipation of Christmas for Steve, was out of this world!

I remember vividly, one year that Steve started marking the calendar day by day until Christmas Day.  The mystery closet where our mother hid and stored the toys she would get for us leading up to Christmas Day, was sacred for us.  We knew the toys were there and sometimes even violated the mystery of the closet by peeking inside when she wasn't around, exposing what she got us for Christmas

 When a person so close to you passes away, they're never forgotten.  You think about them on and off during the year with every little thing that triggers those memories of them.  And then those things ignite your heart with a variety of emotions that those specific memories bring. 

I have never celebrated a Christmas without feeling my brother Steve by my side, to share it with me.    And although I know that his joy is now full in God's glory and beyond what my mere human capacity can apply to imagination, I celebrate his time when he was here with us.

On his birthday, he'll be celebrated again in my heart as well as those who I know loved him so much.  

Steve was passionate, a wise-cracker, very witty, a good-looking dude, a momma's boy, had a huge sensitive heart, very comical, and an amazing imagination among many more things.   

Most of all, Steve walked with God.
Happy Birthday Stevie !!!!