
Sugars and Breads


So by now everyone has heard about so many diseases and complications that are said to be coming from our diets and what we eat.  The foods that we eat are not just bad but they're becoming worse as GMO's and pesticides, etc. have increased in the production of our foods.  

I've been less active physically and for the past couple of years have started to feel pains and discomforts which is pretty normal for someone my age.  But although it's normal, it doesn't mean it has to be the case for everyone.  There many people in their 50's and older who do not have to live with degenerative conditions and symptoms just because they're middle-aged.

I've never been particular about certain foods as "I eat to live and not live to eat"- as they say.

So I'm working on reviving my complete meal and workout exercise system which I can scale with time, and I purposely want to keep it extremely simple.  It has to be simple because it has to be functional, and it's meant to be able to get started immediately.

Often times, we think too much about these things when we decide we're going to do them, and that's usually part of the problem (for me especially).

The first thing to do is to set a goal and a plan.

The 2nd thing to do is get it down on paper.

3rd, keep it simple so that you can get started right away.

4th, get busy.

I've already started while I'm still on #2 and #3.

I'm cutting back on certain foods on the "NO" list and have started eating foods on the "YES" list.

I've developed a "yes" list and a "no" list and now I'm working on creating complete meals from the "yes" list.

Next, is a trip to the supermarket and on my "yes" list, I've decided to select foods and supplements that I don't have to go out of my way to find or anything too exotic - in order to remain consistent w/ my meal program.

Now, I'm currently researching what meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack) options I can put together from my "yes" list foods...

I'm going to order glass (not plastic) "Tupperware" so I can create a variation of meals to prepare and store to always have ready.

***If you don't store and prepare your meals in advance, YOU WILL go out of your meal plan when you're caught hungry and w/ the ability to eat the wrong things.  

Going out of your home almost entirely guarantees that you will be having to eat out - (fast food restaurants, etc.)

That's why you have to plan ahead and either eat before you go out or take your meals with you.


It's not that everything you eat outside of your list is wrong, it's more about building a pallet of taste and preference for certain foods while training yourself to lose interest in other foods.    We're looking to play a "long game" instead of a temporary diet fad.  So at some point, we've got to take our diet seriously.  With time and having developed new and better eating habits, one can loosen up a bit but in order to run well, you have to hit the ground running at first.

Straight off the bat, sugars, breads diary products are pretty bad for most people, and the cause of so much inflammation w/in the body that cause pain like arthritis and burning, and bloating (gastric issues).  

And they say, cancers and dementia-related illnesses (and there are many of them out there) have a lot to do with inflammation w/in the body.  So we must cut these out of our diets ASAP.

And of coarse, with any meal program, you must also have a workout program along with it.  

My TABATA program is super-simple!  

(check out my previous blogs on TABATA 4-min workout)

3-4 simple and doable exercises for 1-min intervals with 10 second rest period in between.  You go at it hard for about a min., and that's why it's call high intensity interval training (HIIT).

4 min long program, 3x a week (to start)

and 5 mins stretching before and after.

That's an exercise workout program (less than 10 mins long) right at home, 3 times a week.

Longevity is the key.

Often times, we create a whole new workout program; go to the gym and spend 1-2 hours loading up on exercises to end up discontinuing in a few days.

Getting started is always the first problem.. and keeping consistent is always the 2nd problem.

That's why for meal and workout program, you have to start SIMPLE and EASY to manage.   Create something that is scalable.

But the FIRST GOAL is to focus on LONGEVITY and developing new habits and routines that are reachable and realistic.

(To be continued)...